Thursday, June 18, 2009

Big Red

Just read the story of Jacob and Esau (aka BIG RED, according to Dr. Hindson) and it got me thinking. Isaac was married at 40, prayed for kids, and had to wait til he was 60. That's a long wait.

Later in the passage (Genesis 25:19-34 if you want to read it), Esau sold his birthright (basically, his inheritance, although with more honor, leadership, and blessings) to his brother Jacob for a bowl of stew. Esau perceived at that moment that he was "dying of starvation" after a big game hunt, but in all reality, his perception of that moment skewed his thinking of the future.

Let's compare these two similar circumstances:
Isaac and Esau wanted something. They both wanted it NOW.
Isaac prayed. Isaac was blessed.
Esau acted. Esau lost out on blessings.

Sometimes God allows us periods of time to go by in order for us to mature, appreciate his answers, and show us our real needs. When we "pull an Esau" and live for the moment, we lose out on long term blessings that God promises us when we choose to seek Him instead of seeking "Now".

1 comment:

  1. Good insights. I've been an Esau several times in my life. Patience is so hard sometimes. Age helps you slow down a little and patience becomes easier.
