Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bill on Life

First of all, to the hundreds (400+ views!) of you reading my blog (or maybe it's just a few of you obsessively checking it over and over), I want to say thank you! It has been a pleasure and an easy transition from life outside of the interweb to the blogosphere nation in which I currently reside.

With that being said, I know a few of you really love me and care about me (or atleast pretend to) so I'll give you an update on my life. Here are Bill's thoughts on:

Marriage: In 31 days, I will be married! Things are progressing nicely. We are getting a lot of stuff done, still a lot to do. I realized though when I get excited, it makes Rachel much more excited. Don't get me wrong, I have been looking forward to May 30th for a long time now, but I haven't gotten into the whole wedding planning stuff until recently. My job is to create wedding party introductions for the reception, so if you are reading this, and have any input on how we should announce them (misc. facts, descriptions, etc.) for Bryan Murawski/Holly Evans, Todd Roth/Rachel Rossin, or Jordan Benjamin/Lianne Lowen, please leave a comment!

Job: This part is two fold: Current and Failed Attempts.
I'm currently a waiter at River City Cafe again, but not at the same location. I went to the one in Myrtle Beach (73rd street, come visit!) and it's awesome. People there are my age and it's really laid back.
I'm currently looking for a position in youth ministry. I've interviewed with 4 different churches, with no luck. I've been close on two, but God doesn't seem to want me in either, so we're still looking. I have an interview up near Charlottesville, VA on Thursday that I am really looking forward to, so be praying!

Toothbrushes: They are so hard to find. I had to replace mine yesterday. Do you know how hard this process is?? First of all, I went to Wal-Mart and looked for one. Lots of options. Except here's the thing. I need a soft bristle toothbrush (it's my preference), but they make them so you can really feel the head of the brush until you buy it. Now I know that no one should ever return a toothbrush or buy a used one, but I want something that I know I'll like. Why does this process have to be so "all or nothing"? I bought one (I had to!) and I'm not completely pleased with it. Maybe I'll go buy another one. Maybe I'll stick with it. I just got really sad writing this, so this is the end of my post.

Love you all and keep reading my blog! Tell all your friends!

Peach (I saw Jordan write Peach instead of peace by accident, so this is a tribute to him)


  1. "Grape and Peach to you in the Lord."

  2. Lovin' your blog! Jordon gave a new twist to the fruits of the Spirit. Speaking of which, I ate some really great grapes yesterday and wished Jordon was here to help me describe them.

  3. all I have to say nice for the introductions. I'm nervous about them now!
