Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Season Finales

So I'm getting married soon which is why my posts have been less frequent, but here's a short one that portrays my thoughts on recent Season Finales.

The Office: Grade C... First of all, only a half hour long. Are you serious?? Second, nothing happened. Dwight was funny, nothing happened with Michael and Holly, and OK, Pam is prego, but how does that add to a future storyline. This whole season was a let down from past seasons (minus the Dance Party and a few other episodes).
Grey's Anatomy: Grade B+... I actually liked how they ended this one. I wanted to see a wedding between McDreamster and Grey only because I'm sick of that storyline too. Didn't see George getting hit by a bus coming, but he looked good in army gear/shaved head.
Survivor: Grade A-... Survivor always comes through for me. Even though everyone knew who would win, it was a good finale.
24: D... First off, I didn't start watching 24 til college, but I did backtrack and watch the first couple of seasons, which I loved. But this whole season was predictable, boring, and if I never see another episode again, my life would go on as usual. I knew Jack wouldn't explode, I knew Tony would get shot, I know Jack will survive. Predictable.
Parks and Recreation: A+... Ahhh, a show that started off slow (and too much like the Office, which I think a show needs its own style) and ended fabulously. I have never been a big Amy Poehler fan but I have come to enjoy this show immensely. With the guy falling in the pit and Chris Pratt's character laughing all the way into the house was great. Grade A quality show. Can't wait for this to come back on.

And that's it. Tell me what you think!

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