Monday, May 25, 2009

"Question: What bear is best?"

My last post as a bachelor is scheduled for Thursday.

My question for you, the reader, is this:

What would you like to read?

1) A Bill-centered story

2) A Rachel-centered story

3) A Bill and Rachel Dating-centered story

4) Other

Leave your comments in the comment section and let me know!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Season Finales

So I'm getting married soon which is why my posts have been less frequent, but here's a short one that portrays my thoughts on recent Season Finales.

The Office: Grade C... First of all, only a half hour long. Are you serious?? Second, nothing happened. Dwight was funny, nothing happened with Michael and Holly, and OK, Pam is prego, but how does that add to a future storyline. This whole season was a let down from past seasons (minus the Dance Party and a few other episodes).
Grey's Anatomy: Grade B+... I actually liked how they ended this one. I wanted to see a wedding between McDreamster and Grey only because I'm sick of that storyline too. Didn't see George getting hit by a bus coming, but he looked good in army gear/shaved head.
Survivor: Grade A-... Survivor always comes through for me. Even though everyone knew who would win, it was a good finale.
24: D... First off, I didn't start watching 24 til college, but I did backtrack and watch the first couple of seasons, which I loved. But this whole season was predictable, boring, and if I never see another episode again, my life would go on as usual. I knew Jack wouldn't explode, I knew Tony would get shot, I know Jack will survive. Predictable.
Parks and Recreation: A+... Ahhh, a show that started off slow (and too much like the Office, which I think a show needs its own style) and ended fabulously. I have never been a big Amy Poehler fan but I have come to enjoy this show immensely. With the guy falling in the pit and Chris Pratt's character laughing all the way into the house was great. Grade A quality show. Can't wait for this to come back on.

And that's it. Tell me what you think!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Top 5 Things on My Brain

1. Pete Rose belongs in the Hall of Fame.

2. How long does it take a rotting corpse to start smelling to the point where the neighbors investigate?

3. I'm ready for a zombie invasion.

4. 17 days!!!!

5. How much do celebrities such as... oh, Tom Green.... make now? You know, the washed up comedians, former athletes, reality stars from 5 years ago. What's a salary look like for them?

And that's on my mind.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dizzy as a Dingbat

I am sick and wanted to write something. This is the result.

I'm dizzy as a dingbat,
What's that?
I'm dizzy as a dingbat.
Why's that?
I'm sick as pickled yam.
Medicated I am.
I'm dizzy as a dingbat.

That's my little rhyme.