Here's a short message I just read from Billy Graham:
Billy Graham said: "Many people argue, 'I do believe in Christ. I believe in the Church, and I believe in the Bible. Isn't that enough?' No! You must receive Christ.
I may go to the airport. I have a reservation. I have a ticket in my pocket. The plane is on the ramp. It is a big, powerful plane. I am certain it will take me to my destination. They call my flight three times. I neglect to get on board. They close the door. The plane takes off. I am not on the plane. Why?
I believed in the plane, but I neglected to get on board. That's just it! You believe in God, Christ, the Bible, and the Church (James says, "Good, even the demons believe that--- and shudder!") --- but you have neglected to actually receive Him in your heart. Your belief has been an impersonal, speculative thing, and you have not entrusted yourself to Him."