Monday, July 19, 2010

I'm a Martha (or What I Learned on Missions Trip Day 1)

I've read this a bunch of times and said: "I'll never be like Martha." I'll never get so concerned with being busy and getting things done that I'll forget to keep the main thing the main thing...

...then I led a missions trip. I feel like a sweaty heathen just typing this (unrelated but sort of side note: I am sweaty). But I did the "Martha" thing and got so caught up in the logistics of making this week as "error" free as I thought it should be and I stopped focusing on the goal. I got cranky (not having my usual afternoon cup of coffee didn't help either) and I fell short.

Luckily, I have some good friends in my wife and Don Meckley, along with the message from Neil McClendon that remind me to stop being a "Martha" and be a "Mary".

Where have you been a "Martha" recently?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Teenagers' Top Needs

Youth Specialties surveyed 20,000 Christian kids attending a Missions-type camp to rank their "dying needs." Their answers are surprising and challenging- and worth a close look by parents and leaders alike.

Teenagers’ Top Needs
We asked Christian teenagers to scan a list of 20 “needs” in their life, then rank them from one to seven according to how strongly they’d like that need to be met. The lower the number, the higher the desire for the need to be met. We wanted them to differentiate between “dying” needs and “nice to have but not that important” needs. Here’s how the numbers added up….
Top Needs (Description) Teenagers (Average)
1. I need help building a positive relationship with God
2. I need help building a positive relationship with my parents
3. I need help managing or dealing with the stresses in my life
4. I need someone to help me answer some of my big doubts
about the Christian faith
5. I need help understanding the Christian faith better
6. I need help in knowing how to share my faith with friends and others
7. I need help with my academics
8. I need help figuring out my future choices (college, job, career, marriage, etc)
9. I need help dealing with depression
10. I need help with my overwhelming commitments
11. I need help dealing with the pain I feel in life
12. I need help developing more and better friendships
13. I need help ending my dependence on drugs or alcohol or tobacco
14. I need help with making better moral choices in my life
15. I need help in receiving forgiveness for things I’ve done
16. I need help with living a healthier lifestyle—eating better and exercising
17. I need help with time management and discipline in my life
18. I need help resolving conflicts
19. I need help sorting out sexual issues (sexual activity, gender issues, homosexuality, etc.)
20. I need help with girlfriend/boyfriend issues

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

YouPick- "How Do I Hear From God?" Notes

This is the first time I'm doing this: Putting my speaking notes for all to see. Maybe you missed something I said, or needed to look back and re-read something, or maybe you just want to criticize me for how much I stink at speaking (wouldn't be the first, or last). Whatever you are using it for, know this: I make mistakes, but I'm learning. My notes may seem scattered, and may include things I didn't actually say, for some reason or another, so deal with it. I'm not editing them, because I don't have time, or the will power, to do that. It's raw, it's real, and it's a repeat of what I talked about Sunday. Enjoy! (Side Note: This one is a lengthy one. Most aren't quite this long.)

Here's the link to our Student Ministry website, where you can download the file.:

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Passing on Grass

The grass I'm referring to is the kind the horses that reside in the field next to my house eat. It provides nourishment, energy, and meets the essential need they have in eating.
I came across this blog post by Chris Elrod and thought it was "grass" that needed to be passed on. I have been frustrated with a few of these myself. Enjoy.

There is some stuff I just cannot comprehend.  Try as I may to get it…it doesn’t make any logical or Scriptural sense. Here is a partial of things I do not understand.
  1. Folks that show up to church only a few times a year but expect the pastor to drop everything to provide them with his undivided attention.
  2. People that put nothing in the offering plate but still have the stones to expect that their opinions on the church should count.
  3. Parents who ground their children from church or the youth group…the very things that could help them with their behavior, future and afterlife.
  4. People that expect the pastor to tolerate their political views…but leave the church because of his.
  5. The occasional volunteer that expects the church to throw a parade in their honor just because they finally did what the Bible commanded.
  6. People that have basked in the grace of God…but fail to give grace to anyone else.
  7. Pastors that leave one church for another…for better pay.
  8. The need for church growth plans, programs, books, conference, seminars and resource kits…when we already have the Bible
  9. Women that tolerate their husbands having multiple affairs…”for the sake of the kids”.
  10. Pastors that would rather be political pundits or civil rights leaders…instead of just preaching the life-saving message of the Word of God.
  11. People that have one spiritual standard for their pastor…and another for themselves.
  12. Folks that think the word ‘disciple’ is a noun…and not a verb.
  13. People that make comments about needing to go “deeper” in God’s Word…as if there is a Scripture in the Bible that isn’t deep.
  14. Pastors that think accountability means never asking them the tough questions or taking the hard line when it comes to their failure to follow Scripture.
  15. Men that think being the head of the household has something to do with the amount of money they are bringing in or the title they acquire at work.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Graham Cracker

Here's a short message I just read from Billy Graham:

Billy Graham said: "Many people argue, 'I do believe in Christ. I believe in the Church, and I believe in the Bible. Isn't that enough?' No! You must receive Christ.
I may go to the airport. I have a reservation. I have a ticket in my pocket. The plane is on the ramp. It is a big, powerful plane. I am certain it will take me to my destination. They call my flight three times. I neglect to get on board. They close the door. The plane takes off. I am not on the plane. Why?

I believed in the plane, but I neglected to get on board. That's just it! You believe in God, Christ, the Bible, and the Church (James says, "Good, even the demons believe that--- and shudder!") --- but you have neglected to actually receive Him in your heart. Your belief has been an impersonal, speculative thing, and you have not entrusted yourself to Him."

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sunday Night Reflections

As Sunday has past, I figured I'd start sharing some highs and lows of the past day. No order. No promises that I'll do this every Sunday. No rhyme. No reason. No Mercy!
Ok... some mercy.
  • Third straight week with more than 10 in morning Bible Study. Previous average- 5. What led to the increase? Well I'd love to say it was my awesome teaching and riveting message, but that'd be lying. It's probably more due to the fact that we have Krispy Kremes each week. I'll say this: The way to a teenager's heart is through their stomach. Have their bellies full, and they'll listen... for a minute or two. But that's a minute more than usual... so I'll take it.
  • New study for Bible study: Crazy Love by Francis Chan. That guy has so much passion and passion is contagious!
  • There are 350,000,000 galaxies (conservatively) yet God still wants a relationship with us. Blows my mind.
  • Stories relate Bible truths to everyday life better than anything. That's why Jesus used them.
  • Peter denied Christ 3 times. We've done it much more than that with our lives, yet God still loves us.
  • God knew Peter (and you and I) would fail so many times, even before he ever saved us, yet he still loves us.
  • Stolen from Perry Noble: Sometimes God says, “Don’t pray, OBEY!”  In other words…there ARE some things in life that we do not have to pray about…where God’s Word speaks CLEARLY there is no need to pray…just a need to obey!  (For example…we don’t need to EVER pray about whether or not we need to have sex with someone we are not married to…God’s answer is always “NO!”)
  • Stop "praying the prayer" and start living the life! Once saved, always saved. Live like it!
  • "Every dollar is an opportunity."- Pastor Alan Thompson
  • Our students took gave 19.37 opportunities to go towards our "adopted" kids Meena and Jean Fritzer!
  • I'm really pumped about going to The Master's Inn for a few days to spend time with other youth pastors. Looking forward to some good idea swapping, brainstorming, and an overall punch in the arm. 
  • Not looking forward to being away from my wife for two nights. We've only done it one other time since we've been married and it stinks!
And one insight from Monday:
  • Cured the "Holy Hangover" that Monday brings after a full day of giving on Sunday by spending time in God's Word, reading AW Tozer, and eating breakfast with a bunch of really awesome high school students. They were with me as I experienced my first Bodo's Bagel!